
The Estimated Value is based on an algorithm utilizing data calculated by third party apps/websites, has available to it to help estimate predicted sale price of domains. However, we do not make any guarantee or other promises to any results that may be obtained from your purchase or sale of any domain, and this is not intended as a solicitation or offer to buy any domain. It is your responsibility to independently assess and determine the value of any domain you may purchase or sell. We shall not be liable for any losses you or anyone else suffers as a result of relying on the Estimated Value, which includes not being liable for any loss of profit, loss of bargain, loss of capital through over-payment or under-sale or for any indirect, special or consequential loss.


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INR 12298

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Things you will get!

  • Complete ownership of Rentzela.com
  • Complimentry logo design with source files
  • Completly free domain transfer

Listen Rentzela.com

Here is our suggestion about how this domain sounds

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Right price

We sell the domains at right prices so you can buy them confidently

Secure payments

We use high standard SSL to keep protected your payment details

Easy transfers

Quick and easy same day transfer process for most of the domains

Happtu promise

Receive the domain or get your money back, its our happtu promise

About Rentzela.com

Rentzela is stylized in order to highlight the keyword, rent. The name indicates a platform that provides rental services to audiences that can have optimum offers to deal with good quality. It conveys keeping the interest of the clients engaged with its services. The name is standard and relevant considering business perspectives. Go with the name and attain the interest of your audience!

Rentzela.com is suitable for

  • It well-suits to the house/property rental services

  • Rentzela is suitable for car and bike renting app or website

Why Rentzela.com is worth buying?

Every domain have it’s own value in the world of internet. Domain value defines the strength of domain in terms of to being popular in less time according to the domain keywords. It is also easy to do organic SEO for valuable domains. There are serval websites available online which calculates the approximate value and appraisal of domain according to search trends, previously sold similar domains etc

Estimated value of Rentzela.com

USD 1300


About the Domain Transfer

Happtu owns all the domains on our website, and we don't sell them on behalf of third parties. So whenever you purchase a domain name from us, it belongs to you. But it to go through a short process, which will move the name from our domain name registrar to yours. This process is called a ‘domain transfer

  • Firstly, you need to purchase the brand names.
  • Further, the company will transfer the ownership, and registration of the .com address of the brand names and its logo to you, which will enable you to manage the settings for your domain and link it to your website and email.
  • After purchase, we will transfer the copywrite within 24 to 48 hours to you.
  • We will make an account on Globehost on behalf of our clients, and purchase the domain. After purchase, we will transfer the domain and the credentials of the account to the clients, which can be further changed by them.
  • Once the domain name is in your account, it is yours to keep forever.

What happens next?

As soon as you buy the domain, Happtu team will confirm the payment and start the transfer process in working hours.

We will create the new account on the domain registrar website behalf of you and will complete the entire transfer process. You just sit back and, relax!

Logo files & login credentials of domain holding account will be sent to your regsitered email. Name & logo design will be removed form Happtu website.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Rentzela.com get transferred to me?

As soon as you buy the domain, Happtu team will confirm the payment and start the transfer process in working hours. We will create the new account on the domain registrar's website (i.e. GoDaddy, Globehost, Hostgator etc.) behalf of you and will complete the entire transfer process. Logo files & login credentials of the domain holding account will be sent to your registered email. The name & logo design will be removed from Happtu website.

Does Rentzela.com come with Trademark or Business Registration?

No. We do not provide Trademark or Business registration services but, we ensure our best that the name/domain is available for your own Trademark and registration purposes. We always suggest consulting your attorney for registration-related queries.

Why .com domains are really important?

The .com domain is the only domain that really matters.

A .com is the world’s default domain, but it’s not just easy to remember; it’s also a valuable business asset as it adds credibility and brand power. (Across the world there are thousands of businesses called Amazon, but there’s only one Amazon.com.)

The fact that the .com domain is still available to purchase is a good indication that there are no significant businesses using the name; any serious company would have already registered the .com domain.

Owning the .com domain protects your brand name. As contemporary businesses see an exact match .com domain as a must-have business asset, no serious business is going to adopt your business name in the future if the .com is not available to own.

You could consider registering your name as a trademark - but this only offers protection in a specific country and business sector - so even this would not guarantee that a name is unique. To many businesses, a .com domain is better than a trademark registration.

You could choose a business name and use another domain, like your local country domain. But would you really be happy that another business - that's possibly larger and more visible online - could be using your name but with a .com domain?

What payment methods are accepted?

We have a safe and secure payment process. We accept UPI (PhonePe, GPay, PayTM, etc), Net Banking, Credit Card, Debit Card, and all major wallets.

Are there any ongoing charges from Happtu?

No. There are no ongoing charges or fees payable to Happtu. You will have to pay a small annual fee to your Domain Name Registrar to retain ownership of your domain according to their prices.

How long does the domain transfer process take?

Once the transfer has been approved, it usually takes just a few hours to complete (but can very occasionally take up to 3 days). The timing of a transfer is outside of our control, and every registrar works slightly differently, but we'll do everything we can at our end to make the process as fast as possible - and we're here to help at every step.

How do I receive the logo?

We'll send you an email to your registered email address. This will give you access to a package of logos in a range of digital formats and sizes which should cover all of your requirements.